
Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Drying Cabinet

This is our old fridge, now living in the studio, doing duty as a drying cabinet. Since we were going away and I wasn't sure how well this would work, I covered the pots with plastic as insurance; and they did just fine.

The small Olympic gas kiln is ready to fire those re-fires as soon as I have two clear days in a row, which are in the forecast later next week. John Britt came over yesterday morning and finished installing the last couple of plumbing parts and checked it out to made sure that all was working. This is one great guy, with a big, generous heart always ready to help this old lady in need. You are a treasure John!

The garden calls this morning, after our sourdough pancake breakfast. The potatoes I heeled up again yesterday need spraying. After that my sourdough no knead bread will be ready to bake, followed by some early dinner prep.

I may even be able to squeeze in some studio tidying time today. First thing I have to do is get Jim's help and get the Olympic kiln sections back on the frame. With the TRAC tour coming soon there's a lot to be done other than re-firing some pots later in the week. With all the rain in the forecast for early this week, it looks like there will be plenty of time for the studio before the garden calls again.

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