
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Flowers and kiln plumbing

Only half of this rhododedron is in bloom; but it's still a sight to behold on this cool morning! I'll have to cut some for the house later; and I have the perfect Michael Kline pot for them.

The only things on yesterdays "to do" list that got done were finishing planting, weeding and mulching one more terrace and calling Olympic about those kiln plumbing parts. The morning plan to plant seeds turned in a marathon of phone calls(4) and emails back and forth to Olympic. I finally suggested that I take a picture of the current plumbing since what they were telling me didn't match what I was seeing and sure enough, the picture was worth a thousand words. After seeing the photo they called me with a list of other parts to buy so I could get the water column gauge installed.

Dinner plans got scrubbed so we could get to the plumbing supply store for nice, new brass fittings, followed by a trip to Walmart to get the recommended lubricant which will hopefully loosen the current fittings. I sprayed them last night and will attempt once again, to remove them this morning.

It's going to be too cool for garden work this morning; and after the heavy rain it's probably a soggy mess any way. So today gardening will be an indoor job. I just re-planted 5 types of South American hot pepper seeds and will plant a bunch more seeds before I head out to the studio.

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