
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another gingerbread house

 Here's another gingerbread entry to enjoy.

At the moment I'm dealing with a bad cold on top of the sinusitis of the past couple of weeks. I'm definitely doing my part in keeping the Kleenex corporation in the black and getting pretty good at being a reclining,couch potato.

Other than working on getting this laptop working, which is proving to be a bit of a challenge with incompatible, older software, I'm just popping vitamins and drinking lots of liquid

It took 2 days but I think I got the majority of music CD's I can't live without, on to the laptop. There are a lot more to go when I feel up to the task of going through them all.

Fortunately we have leftover Chinese food for dinner because I am definitely not in the mood or shape to stand around the kitchen for any prolonged cooking adventures  I did manage to get my studio and house plants watered this morning and now I'm going to try to take a nap.

First I need to see if kitty is ready to come in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi June, Jason here, havent posted anything in quite sometime, been busy with the Holiday Shoppers at Walgreens and with my new Fiancee who I just got engaged to this week. The Wine studying has been good, took a break from reading the books and such, now reading books on Astrology and the Zodiac. I had a great thanksgiving and also spent a lot of time getting things done around my house as well, like decorating for Christmas, and such and helping the church with mass. Hows Jim and everyone else doing these days? Well talk to u soon if i dont hear from u by Christmas, have a blessed and safe one.
