
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Busy, but lovely Sunday

We're having a lovely Sunday, starting with a great, rich brunch of Eggs Benedict at the Tin Lizard in Spruce Pine, followed by some productive time in the garden doing more pruning and cleanup. I didn't get enough garden cleanup in the fall, so I'm hoping we'll get more mild weather before planting time to get this garden in shape.

I made a cavatelli, cauliflower, pancetta, chicken broth and onion pasta dish for dinner which was intriguingly different and very tasty. Even Jim enjoyed it and he doesn't like cauliflower! Thank you Lidida Bastianich for another lovely recipe!

Tomorrow I'll be in the studio all day, mixing flashing and decorating slips and starting decorating, which I had hoped to start earlier in the week. I want to get a firing next onth so I need to get more studio time in the next two weeks to finish these pots and maybe do a few more slab pieces.

Now I'm going to watch the rest of our taped Australian open men's final, and do some more of the never ending computer file sorting and cleanup.

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