
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Man plans God laughs - one of those days

Two days ago I thought today would be a studio day; but an ad in the Sunday paper for a sale on a comforter that appealed to us, got us motivated to change plans and head to Asheville and the mall this morning. Now, I am not a shopper, at least a mall shopper, so I have to be intrigued to drive an hour and twenty minutes or more to buy something. Going to Asheville is always with a destination in mind - usually two or three actually. So we headed first to Earth Fare where I could pick up some ingredients for recipes I want to make in the next week, and then on to lunch at the Indian restaurant and a quick stop at TJ Max where I picked up a small Le Creuset casserole for half price and a new non stick frying pan. So good, so far.

After that  we headed for the mall for the new comforter only to find that the nice red, paisley comforter in the newspaper ads, was actually more brown than red. Although it was a bit disappointing, I was thrilled with the rest of the day. So we headed home and on the way back I stopped at the local Grassy Creek Hardware and got some metal roofing that I'll use to protect the burners on the small test, gas kiln, from blowing out when I get around to firing it.

Tomorrow I'll see if Jim and I can deal with the weight and take the kiln apart. I want to get the base to someone who can weld some casters on it so I can wheel it in an out of the kiln room garage and fire it in the driveway.

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