
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Signs of spring

The first daffodils opened a couple of days ago and the hellebores and pussy willow are in full bloom. Spring has arrived!

Sun is shining and it looks like it's going to be a good day to transplant some of these kale, cabbage, spinach and broccoli seedlings. If I have any energy left, I'll plant some potatoes as well.

We had a light frost overnight which didn't seem to hurt the leaf lettuce starts, so I'm going to take a chance and get them planted as well. The weather for the rest of the week shows night time temperatures in the 40's and if we get a late frost in April, I can always cover them with remay.

It will probably be another "no studio" day. So far this week I've only managed a couple of hours in there; but that's about par for this time of year with all this garden and seedling work added to my usual cooking and animal chores.

The past two days I've been glued to the computer, watching live feeds from NCECA. I don't know if there will be any more today which would be a distraction but a lovely one. Yesterday I got to plant a few perennials when they broke for lunch; but the rest of the time I was thoroughly enjoying the free workshop and discussions.

Dinner's going to be a simple linguini with pesto sauce and a salad. After seeing a news report this morning that eating a small amount of chocolate daily reduces your change of a heart attack by over 40%, I'm adding it to Jim's shopping list today. :-) Between the health benefits of wine, coffee, and chocolate, maybe Woody Allen was right in the movie "Sleeper" - that all the things we thought are bad turn out to actually be very good for you!

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