
Sunday, June 30, 2013

A decisions been made

After almost 3 days of mind boggling, scratching my head, frustrating, digital camera research, I finally ordered the Panasonic Lumix dmc-fz200 from BH photo. It has all the features I wanted except being what they call "travel size"; but it's about half the weight of my Nikon D100 - good thing. It has a great zoom lens, video, stereo sound, great battery life, takes photos in raw or jpeg mode, as well as a load of other features. The down side is an inferior, incomplete manual, and a pdf manual that is also sub par. Fortunately one camera owner mentioned some great you tube videos done by another owner called "the missing manual".

We celebrated our 54th anniversary yesterday with a great 5 course dinner  at Cucina Biazzi in Ashland and tonight we're having dinner with the family and friends. Pizza party Friday added to the weekend festivities, and studio work will have to wait till tomorrow. - maybe!

With all the time for camera research and partying, my emails have skyrocketed, so I need to deal with those and a few other house hold things. The garden is looking OK after an emergency watering on some of the plants this morning. This 100 degree weather is making extra hand watering necessary even with the drip system going on twice a day. I would have lost several of my pepper plants if I hadn't checked as I do every morning. Seems one of the drips was knocked out of the pot.

Grand kids are coming over tomorrow to swim and get some nanna and papa attention, but I'm hoping to squeeze in a few hours of studio time in the morning. One can only hope.


  1. My little Panasonic is just super. I'm sure you will love yours. Happy Anniversary.

  2. Great to hear Dennis! I've never owned a Panasonic, but the reviews on this were pretty great and more importantly, it should do all the things I want. My old, by digital camera years, Canon Powershot has developed that fish eye lens problem causing my pots to look lopsided, so it was time to bit the bullet and open the purse. :-)

  3. My friend Laura(tossing ashes blog) just got one of these cameras,it is a swwweeeet camera, I think you will be pleased. Email her if you have questions, she has had it for a few months now' probably has it figured out.

  4. Thanks Tracey, I'll do that. I should have the camera by mid week and I figure it's going to be a long learning curve particularly with such a meager and not very good manual. Fortunately I found some clues from earlier purchasers, so before the camera comes I'm going to make a file of those that I can print out and make my own manual of sorts.

  5. I loved my Panasonic until the day I finally dropped it too many times and my sister gave me a discard. Hoping to get the one I gave my mother so that I could help her with the world of digital photography but which she never used. Congrats on the anniversary.

    1. Thanks Christine. My old Canon Powershot is in a pretty sturdy metal case; but looks like a lot of these new ones are plastic and will need a lot more careful handling. The Canon, being small and slippery was easy to drop too. :-(

  6. Hey June, actually I was wrong, this is not the same model Laura got, but probably has similar features, she got a smaller version. You tube has answered so many learning questions for me, I'm sure you can find plenty of help out there if you need it.

    1. Thanks Tracey. I think I'll watch a couple of those you tube videos this morning and make some notes before the camera arrives.
