Got the studio sink installed yesterday, and this new table also arrived. We're making progress - going a bit slower than I'd like, but going nonetheless.
The electrician didn't show and that's unlike him. We called a few hours ago but haven't heard back. George the handyman may come today to just do the shelving above my wheel. If not he'll do it Saturday when he's coming to blow insulation in the space above the garage/studio.
I got most of the raw materials away yesterday, but since I gave away my biggest glaze bin (with 20 bins), which would not have fit in this smaller space, some of my materials will have to be in buckets. Today or tomorrow I need to get to Lowes for the buckets and some wood to make a stand for one of the magnetic tools holders for my jewelry bench which is sitting in the middle of the room for lack of wall space.
My garden is watered, and it's time for lunch, then off to do some planting at our sons place, then Lowes or home to make some Indian food for dinner. The time sure flies by lately!
Hi, your set up looks very nice. I installed a plastic laundry sink recently, using a plumbed washer dryer hookup. However, I did not install a drain for it, instead use a small pail under the downspout. I empty that regularly, just outside in the field. This will help to prevent silting up the septic field. As a halftime rural pottery, this works for me, at least during the summer months. I reclaim my clay, and the mixed glaze residues at the bottom of wash buckets seems to yield a lovely gray glaze I doubt I could ever reproduce in the lab.
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes
Our last house had a septic system; but the clay trap, plus having a bucket in the sink for in-tially washing tools, bats, etc, plus another bucket on the table for rising glaze tools, sieves, etc., helped keep the septic healthy. In the morning, after the materials settled, I'd pour off the water.
ReplyDeleteI think I should buy some Lowe's stock.
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to get in line behind me!