
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Great gardening weather

Here are a couple of the peonies that opened up fully this morning.

It's been a beautiful day to be working in the garden. I finished weeding and mulching the strawberries bed, planted three more beefsteak tomatoes, two more French tarragons, penstemon and did a lot of weeding and general garden cleanup.

The heat pad set on low worked for some of the seeds, and in a matter of hours! By nightfall, pot of squash seedlings peeked through, and even one of the South American peppers sprouted after doing nothing for a couple of weeks in the pot! I put some corn seeds in a tiny bowl covered with water and set it on the heat pad yesterday morning, and by last night they were showing signs of starting to sprout!

After a quick almond and water lunch I got right back out to do another two hours of planting (zucchini, buttercup squash, and a French variety whose name escapes me at the moment, several Serrano and other chiles, some marigolds and Swiss chard. I got it all mulched and of course there was more of the never ending weeding to do.

The early afternoon thunderstorms that were forecast never came, so I kept planting. One more planting day and I should have all the bigger veggie starters and some more flowers planted. It's been a good gardening day. Time for a big glass of water and a shower and some computer work before dinner.

1 comment:

  1. So jealous, my peonies are just iny bids right now...patience...I'll make pots in the meantime.
