I'm having to fill this feeder once a day. Sorry about the quality of the photo, but I had to take it through the screened, living room window. These little guys are very camera shy!
Jim and I had a great 50th anniversary dinner at the Eseeola lodge. We never buy presents for each other - just have a nice dinner at a good restaurant, with a really nice wine; but this year Jim surprised me with the sweetest little gold and diamond studded locket that he designed and had custom made. The loveliest part is the message on the back "50 years of joy.". Needless to say, I was over joyed and my mascara was running a bit!
Kitty in the studio experiment worked pretty well. I didn't do anything but sort some of the paper work (huge pile on my desk). She enjoyed having a new, larger, more interesting place to explore. She knocked some papers off the desk a couple of times; but other than that she didn't get into any real trouble. She tired herself out so much that at one point she snuggled next to me in the chair for a very short cat nap and later, when I brought her back in to her kitty quarters in the house, she slept a very long time.
I brought some of those papers into the house and I'll work on them after breakfast and head to the studio after lunch to continue cleaning my desk. I also want to check my Soldner mixer and see if I can get it working. If not, I need to get my friend Jim over to see if the motor is burned out. I've decided to get all these things taken care of before I start another throwing cycle. I also need to take my pugmill apart and get it lubricated and figure out how to get the de-airing part working.